Saturday, March 3, 2012

Week 7 Step 5

1. Classify technology goals in a proper domain (technology, management, funding).
The technology goals are classified as follows:

Goal 1: To incorporate and integrate technology into all aspects of instruction in the curriculum

Goal 2: Provide staff development for all in the use of appropriate emerging technologies and their integration as a natural part of education.

Goal 3: Include technology-based information systems when making instructional and management decisions.

Goal 4: Establish the human and technical infrastructure to encourage communication and to improve access to data and educational resources.

Goal 5: The instructional leader will provide funding for campus use and integration of technology into the curriculum.

Goal 6: The school will utilize grant writing teams formed at the school and/or district level to secure additional funding to offset the cost of implementing and maintaining technology infused educational programs and training sessions for students, teachers, administrators and parents.

2. Identify the major steps required to accomplish technological goals.
According to (Microsoft, 2012), it is better to use strategic planning instead of case-by-case planning. Strategic planning is more thorough and leads a well thought out plan. Outlining the campus' technology vision and objectives, then assigning owners to carry out the steps and measure progress, will more likely produce a successful technology plan (Microsoft, 2012).
The major steps required to accomplish technological goals are:

1. Designate a point of contact. One person should be in charge of overseeing the process. This is not necessarily a technical role, but a management role. This person may also communicate with and oversee individuals who will implement and measure the goals and objectives.

2. Break goals into small tasks. Make sure the individual goals and objectives clear so progress can be monitored.

3. Assign responsibilities. Make clear which staff member will carry out which task.

4. Establish a timeline. Set milestones and target dates for different phases of the accomplished goals.

5. Evaluate success or failure. Evaluation should be built into any planning process, and technology planning or goals is no exception. Decide beforehand what indicators of success will look like. Build evaluation checkpoints into a timeline. (TechSoup, 2009)

The major steps to accomplish goal 1: To incorporate and integrate technology into all aspects of instruction in the curriculum are:
1. Inventory available technology.
2. Assess teachers to see what technology is needed to improve teaching.
3. Determine if current technology can address those needs
4. Assess if current funding can support purchasing new technology that may be needed.

The major steps to accomplish goal 2: Provide staff development for all in the use of appropriate emerging technologies and their integration as a natural part of education are:
1. Conduct a technology compentency survey and administer STaR Chart.
2. Ask teachers and staff what type of technology training they would like to participate in.
3. Evaluate results from 1 and 2 above.
4. Secure appropriate personnel to teach staff development courses. (This could be current technology teachers or someone from the district Staff Development Department.)

The major steps to accomplish goal 3: Include technology-based information systems when making instructional and management decisions are:
1. Consult the district and school technology plan when making managerial decisions.
2. Consult the district and school technology committee.
3. Provide, update and support standardized software in classrooms and computer labs.

The major steps to accomplish goal 4: Establish the human and technical infrastructure to encourage communication and to improve access to data and educational resources are:
1. Develop a technology committee or team.
2. Build a viable communication network within the school and between school, community and school district.
3. Update technology as outlined in the districts technology plan "every four years".

The major steps to accomplish goal 5: The instructional leader will provide funding for campus use and integration of technology into the curriculum are:
1. Divide campus funds for technology equitably among departments.
2. Inform staff of availability of funds.

The major steps to accomplish goal 6: The school will utilize grant writing teams formed at the school and/or district level to secure additional funding to offset the cost of implementing and maintaining technology infused educational programs and training sessions for students, teachers, administrators and parents are:
1. Create a grant writing team at the campus.
2. Consult the district grant writing team for assistance with obtaining external funds for technology purchases.

3. Develop assessment instruments to test the objectives for the technology plan. Describe the desired instrument(s) under each objective.

Objective 1 will be measured by:
1. Collaborative student technology projects, teacher lesson plans, and walkthough observations evidenced by 85% of teachers including at least one higher-level thinking technology activity bi-monthly. Teacher lesson plans will include evidence of higher-level thinking technology activities.

2. Student products and competency checklist evidenced by 100% of students completing a technology-generated product for each core subject annually.

3. Campus STaR Charts Teacher assessment; rubrics evidenced by 80% of student products incorporating information literacy skills.

Objective 2 will be measured by:
1. Sign-in and evaluation sheets from staff training, and completed teacher STaR Charts.
2. Number of staff developments offered and number of people enrolled.
3. Number of documented hours accumulated.

Objective 3 will be measured by:
1. Software and hardware inventory.
2. Purchase orders of newly acquired hardware and software.
3. 100% of teachers are provided with resources required for accomplishing specialized tasks.
4. District technology goals reflected in campus plan.
5. technology lab schedules and sign-in sheets.
6. Family Technology Night agendas

Objective 4 will be measured by:
1. Grant proposals submitted
2. Number of grants received
3. Success level of grant implementation
4. 10% of campus budget committed to technology
5. Adequate technical support to meet campus needs. (Repair log report records)

Microsoft (2012). Developing an accessible technology plan. Accessibility:
technology for everyone. Retrieved (2012, March 2) from

TechSoup, (2009). Why a Technology Plan?. Retrieved March 4, 2012, from:


  1. Great job! Rita, for the future posts, please provide a required title to let the members recognize what level of school is your study. Thanks!

  2. goal 1: To incorporate and integrate technology into all aspects of instruction in the curriculum are:
    2. Assess teachers to see what technology is needed to improve teaching.

    I really like that you addresse this. I see to many times how training can be over or under used based on educator experience and knowledge with technology. Some teachers need basic computer skills while others can create elaborate multimedia presentations and have web development skills. That is a major gap that I have not read anyone else address!

    What type of assessment measure are you going to use? Dr.Shannons and Coopers survey would be a good start.
