Need: Effective and relevant professional development in technology integration
Goal: Provide school district staff with opportunities to learn how to appropriately integrate technology as a tool utilizing collaborative, interactive and customized learning environments in an effort to achieve the Target Tech level in the Texas STaR Chart.
Need: Increase the frequency and level of rigor for technology integration in the teaching and learning process
Goal: Improve academic achievement by allowing students to participate in opportunities that allow collaboration, communication, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity and innovation to solve real-world problems in an effort to achieve the Target Tech Level in the Texas STaR Chart.
Objective 1.1: Increase the pattern of classroom use to the Target Tech level as evidenced by classrooms where teachers are seamlessly integrating technology in a student-centered environment.
Subordinate Skills: Basic computer skills, Knowledge of grade level TEKS
Measurable Assessment:
· Teachers will attend 6 hours of technology training per academic school year.
· Teachers will highlight technology applications in their weekly lesson plans submitted to their appraiser.
· Classroom observations
· Review of lessons plans and curriculum guides
· Professional Development Attendance records
Person(s) Responsible: Technology Consultant, Curriculum and Instruction Department, Instructional Technology Department, Teachers, Campus Technology Teams, Campus Administrative Team
*Budget Amount: $671,000.00
LRPT category: Teaching and Learning
E-Rate Correlates: ER01, ER02
NCLB Correlates: 01, 02, 04a, 04b, 07
Objective 1.2: Increase the frequency of use of digital content to the Advanced Tech level by providing teachers with regular weekly access and use of a variety of technology tools and resources.
Subordinate Skills: Basic computer skills, Knowledge of grade level TEKS
Measurable Assessment:
· Teachers will highlight technology applications in their weekly lesson plans submitted to their appraiser.
· Records of technology tools and resources used by classroom teachers maintained by Media Specialists and or Campus Technology Assistant.
• An review of lab schedules, lesson plans, student portfolios, completed training modules, attendance records, student products, and course offerings for training
• Results of teacher feedback
• Classroom observations
Person(s) Responsible: Technology Consultant, Curriculum and Instruction Department, Instructional Technology Department, Teachers, Campus Technology Teams, Campus Administrative Team
*Budget: $326,000.00
LRPT category: Teaching and Learning
E-Rate Correlates: ER01, ER02
NCLB Correlates: 01, 02, 04a, 04b, 07
Objective 1.3: Increase content area connections to the Advanced Tech level as evidenced by teachers using technology to support the development of higher-order thinking and collaboration while incorporating technology in their subject area TEKS.
Subordinate Skills: Basic computer skills, Knowledge of grade level TEKS
Measurable Assessment:
· Teachers will highlight technology applications in their weekly lesson plans submitted to their appraiser.
• An examination of professional development course offerings, lesson plans, master schedules, video samples of classes being taught, teacher logs, records of distance learning session requests, number and types of programs installed, student records from software, and student products
• Benchmark and TAKS results
• Assistive Technology Team written recommendation
• Classroom observations
• Lesson plans
Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Staff, Teachers, Campus Technology Teams, Campus Administrative Team, and Curriculum Coordinators
*Budget: $314,000.00
LRPT category: Teaching and Learning
E-Rate Correlates: ER01, ER02
NCLB Correlates: 01, 02, 03, 04a, 04b, 07, 08
Objective 1.4: Maintain student mastery of Technology Application (TA) TEKS (86% to 100%) to the Target Tech level.
Subordinate Skills: Basic computer skills, Knowledge of grade level TEKS
Measurable Assessment:
· Teachers will highlight technology applications in their weekly lesson plans submitted to their appraiser.
· Student work
• An examination of lab schedules, professional development course offerings, completed product samples integrated into specific content area projects, campus professional development plans, lesson plans, and student/teacher portfolios
• Classroom observations
• Student mastery results
Person(s) Responsible: Curriculum Coordinators, Instructional Technology Staff, Special Education Coordinators, Media Specialists, Technology Liaisons, Assistive Technology Teams, Campus Administrative Teams, Teachers
*Budget Amount: $146,000.00
LRPT category: Teaching and Learning
E-Rate Correlates: ER01
NCLB Correlates: 02, 11
Objective 1.5: Increase online learning to the Target Tech level by allowing students to access teacher-created online TEKS-based content, resources and learning activities and interactive communications that support learning objectives throughout the curriculum.
Subordinate Skills: Basic computer skills, Knowledge of grade level TEKS, and an navigation skills in operating in an online learning space.
Measurable Assessment:
· Technology Committee to review of Teacher created online content
· Teachers will highlight technology applications in their weekly lesson plans submitted to their appraiser.
• Student classroom assessments
• Classroom snapshots
• Wikispaces utilized by teachers and curriculum staff
• An examination of lab schedules, meeting agendas, professional development course offerings
Person(s) Responsible: Campus Technology Teams, Technology Liaisons, Curriculum and Instructional Department, Teachers, Instructional Technology Staff
*Budget: $240,000.00
LRPT category: Teaching and Learning
E-Rate Correlates: ER01
NCLB Correlates: 01, 04a
Objective 2.1: Increase the content of professional development to the Target Tech level by providing opportunities for teachers to participate in the development of strategies to create new learning environments that empower students to think critically to solve real-world problems and collaborate with experts across business, industry, and higher education.
Subordinate Skills: Basic computer skills, Knowledge of grade level TEKS,
Measurable Assessment:
· Review of Teacher created online content
· Teachers will highlight technology applications in their weekly lesson plans submitted to their appraiser.
• An examination of meeting agendas, attendance records, campus technology plans, Distance Learning Reservation Lists, and website availability for teachers
• Inventory of strategies
Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Department, Campus Administrative Teams, and Technology Liaisons
*Budget Amount $518,000.00
LRPT category: Educator Preparation and Development
E-Rate Correlates: ER01, ER02
NCLB Correlates: 01, 02, 03, 04a, 04b, 08
Objective 2.2: Increase the models of professional development to the Advanced Tech level by providing on-going professional development utilizing multiple staff development models.
Subordinate Skills: Basic computer skills, Knowledge adult learner strategies
Measurable Assessment:
· Survey will be conducted after each technology professional development course.
• An examination of lesson plans, content activities, curriculum guides, attendance records, training materials, meeting agendas, and professional development course offerings
Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Department, Curriculum and Instruction Department
*Budget Amount: $187,000.00
LRPT category: Educator Preparation and Development
E-Rate Correlates: ER01, ER02
NCLB Correlates: 01, 02, 04a, 04b, 07
Objective 2.3: Increase the capabilities of educators to demonstrate proficiency of at least four State Board of Education (SBEC) Standards to achieve the Advanced Tech level.
Subordinate Skills: Basic computer skills, Knowledge of State Board of Education Standards
Measurable Assessment:
· Percentage of teachers achieving SBEC proficiencies
· An examination of presentation agendas and test records
• Attendance records for professional development courses
Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Department, Curriculum and Instruction Department, Campus Technology Teams, Administrative Campus Teams, Technology Liaisons
*Budget Amount $114,000.00
LRPT category: Educator Preparation and Development
E-Rate Correlates: ER01
NCLB Correlates: 01, 03, 04b, 11
Objective 2.4: Increase participation in technology professional development (19-29 hours) to achieve the Advanced Tech level.
Subordinate Skills: Basic computer skills
Measurable Assessment:
• Attendance and credit records
• An examination of meeting agendas, and professional development course offerings
Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Department, Curriculum and Instruction Department, Campus Technology Teams, Administrative Campus Teams, Technology Liaisons
*Budget Amount: $481,000.00
LRPT category: Educator Preparation and Development
E-Rate Correlates: ER01, ER02
NCLB Correlates: 01, 04a, 04b, 07
Need: Provide administrative leadership and support for leadership for teachers in the use of technology
Increase the level of administrative support and use of technology in all focus areas as represented in the STaR Chart.
Objective 3.1: Increase the degree to which campus and district leadership promotes continuous innovation with technology leading to increased student achievement and operating effectiveness.
Subordinate Skills: Knowledge of grade level TEKS, Knowledge of ISTE standards
Measurable Assessment:
· Campus Technology Action Plans
· Campus Improvement Plans (CIPs)
· Highlight best practices of classroom teachers.
· Campus involvement in the annual Technology Fair
Person(s) Responsible: Instructional Technology Department, Campus Administrative Teams, Technology Services, and Information Services
*Budget Amount: $102,000.00
LRPT category: Leadership, Administration and Support
E-Rate Correlates: ER01
NCLB Correlates: 01, 11
Objective 3.2:
Increase the level of technology involvement in district and campus plans such that technology benchmarks based on SBEC standards are established annually, leading to the Advanced Tech level.
Subordinate Skills: Knowledge of grade level TEKS, Knowledge of ISTE standards
Measurable Assessment:
· Campus Technology Action Plans
· Campus Improvement Plans (CIPs)
Evidence: Campus involvement in the annual Technology Fair
Person(s) Responsible: Office of Administration, Campus Administrative Teams, Curriculum and Instruction Department, Instructional Technology Department
*Budget Amount: $40,000.00
LRPT category: Leadership, Administration and Support
E-Rate Correlates: ER01
NCLB Correlates: 01, 04a, 11, 12
Objective 3.3:
Increase instructional support for the use of technology by creating learning communities and teacher cadres, which allow teachers to use technology to maximize teaching and learning.
Subordinate Skills: Knowledge of ISTE standards
Measurable Assessment:
· Campus based surveys to track learning communities progress
· Review of teacher submitted lesson plans
Evidence: Training materials, Professional Development course offerings, and size of teacher cadres
Person(s) Responsible: Campus Administrative Teams, Curriculum and Instruction Department, Instructional Technology Department
*Budget Amount: $260,000.00
LRPT category: Leadership, Administration and Support
E-Rate Correlates: ER01, ER02
NCLB Correlates: 01,02, 04a, 07
Objective 3.4: Increase the degree to which campuses and the district uses technology to collaborate with and communicate with stakeholders to the Target Tech level.
Subordinate Skills: Basic computer skills including social media Knowledge of basic community needs.
Measurable Assessment:
· 35% increase in parent involvement via programs like the VIPS and Partners in Education.
Evidence: Podcasts on District website, phone records, video content available through district website, online grade book access, and staff web pages
Person(s) Responsible: Communication Department, Information Services, Technology Services, Instructional Technology Department, Curriculum and Instruction Department, and Campus Administrative Teams
*Budget Amount $8,000,000.00
E-Rate Correlates: ER01
NCLB Correlates: 06, 10, 11,12
Goal: Provide an infrastructure system that allows all users 24/7 access to all e-learning opportunities and provide technical assistance to support instructional and administrative needs to achieve the Advanced or Target Tech level in the Texas STaR Chart.
Objective 4.1: Maintain and increase a student-to-computer ration of 2.75 to 1 and approaching the Target Tech ration of 1 to 1 when needed.
Subordinate Skills: Knowledge of computer hardware
Measurable Assessment:
· Purchase at least one classroom set of computers per campus each new school year until the ratio is 1:1
Evidence: Purchase orders, Delivery records, Contract awards
Person(s) Responsible: Technology Services
*Budget Amount: $32,000,000.00
LRPT category: Infrastructure for Technology
E-Rate Correlates: ER01
NCLB Correlates: 03, 05
Objective 4.2: Maintain and increase as necessary the district's internet connectivity and speed at the Target Tech level.
Subordinate Skills: Knowledge of networking hardware
Measurable Assessment:
· Update computers, servers, and related hardware working every three years if not sooner.
Person(s) Responsible: Technology Services
Evidence: Purchase orders, Delivery records, Contract awards
*Budget Amount $2,000,000.00
LRPT category: Infrastructure for Technology
E-Rate Correlates: ER01
NCLB Correlates: 03, 05
Objective 4.3: Provide additional classroom technology to enhance student instruction at the Advanced Tech level.
Person(s) Responsible: Technology Services
Subordinate Skills: Knowledge of networking and computer hardware
Measurable Assessment:
· Maintain functioning technology equipment no older than six years old at each campus.
Evidence: Purchase orders, Delivery records, Contract awards
*Budget Amount: $16,000,000.00
LRPT category: Infrastructure for Technology
E-Rate Correlates: ER01
NCLB Correlates: 03, 05
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD Technology Plan. (2011, March 1). Retrieved February 25, 2012, from Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District:
E-rate. (2012). E-rate Information. Retrieved on February 29, 2012 from
Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020
No Child Left Behind policy. (2012). Retrieved on February 29, 2012 from
"Office of Finance." Operating Budget 2011-2012. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Feb. 2012. <>.
ReplyDeleteThere would be some travel involved, but I found a potentially good resource for professional development. Denton ISD hosts the Technology Integration Academy (TIA) on July 24, 25, 26. It's only $35 to attend. You can find the details at|&NodeID=18355
Thanks Kayla. Have you attended this Academy before? I have attended a 1:1 Technology Showcase and Irving ISD. and it was very eye opening.
DeleteThank you for this information! This might be something I will be attending.
Based on your goals and objectives for your district, it is evident your district is attempting to provide 21st century learning to all students. According to the TEA’s 2010 Progress Report on the Long-Range Plan for Technology, the No Child Left Behind, Title II, Part D goal is that “every student be technology literate by the time the student finishes the eighth grade” (Texas Education Agency, 2010). Do you feel the goals and objectives you have established for your district will help accomplish this?
Texas Education Agency. (2010). Progress Report on the Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020. Texas Education Agency. Retrieved February 8, 2012, from
ReplyDeleteI sure hope so. I tried to focus more on 21st century skills such as collaboration like you mentioned. I am assuming that providing students the opportunity to learn and work in a digital rich environment that those skills required to be considered technology literate will fall into place.
ReplyDeleteI like how on goal for funding you have 24/7 e learning experience. This is one of the reasons that I love online classes. I can have access to them 24/7, and always have all the material that I need for the class right in front of me.
Thanks! I vision have a resource in which students can access "the cloud" created for them in regards to school anywhere.
ReplyDeleteYour goal of 24/7 access to classes for our students is a wonderful one! I would love to be able to interact with my students in a less traditional setting than the classroom, and I would love to see them initiate their own learning outside of the school. Do you think this is appropriate for all ages, or just for secondary students? I am not sure if my 7th graders would do well with it or not.
As you know, our district has security levels based on your Novell log in information. Teachers have more access than students and Administrators have more than teachers. I do not see why we can not continue that pattern of access in the CFISD "Cloud". I know for example that our high school juniors involved in the 1:1 U.S. History laptop project have the same firewalls in place on their school laptop whether they access the internet from home or school. I believe that we can build off of this model.
DeleteGood job1
ReplyDeleteWoohoo! You made my Spring Break!