Sunday, March 4, 2012

Junior High - Monica Guerrero

1.  Classify technology goals in a proper domain (technology, management, funding).

Based on the four objectives I stated last week, I have broken those objectives into goals and classified them by the following categories: technology, management, and funding. I researched goal setting websites and articles to help me write these goals. One site I read states, “A goal is realistic if you stand reasonably good odds of accomplishing it, given enough time and effort.” (My Goals, 2007)

Goal #1 Navasota JH will add more wireless access points throughout the campus within the next school year.

Goal #2 Navasota ISD will increase the bandwidth to support more technological devices.

Goal #3 Teachers at NJH will be able to incorporate more technology into their lessons

Goal #4 Teachers at NJH will be able to maintain their classroom technology more efficiently.


Goal #5 Navasota ISD will continue to partner with the Education Foundation to provide teacher’s opportunities to purchase technology equipment.

Goal #6 Navasota ISD will apply for technology grants to continue to upgrade and purchase new equipment for the JH campus.

Goal #7 Navasota ISD will budget funds for the next school year to update the infrastructure at the JH.

2.  Identify the major steps required to accomplish technological goals.

One source I read, states the importance of creating steps to achieve goals that have been set. “Create action steps to follow. Identify a critical path. The critical path defines the key accomplishments along the way, the most important steps that must happen for the goal to become a reality.”  (Heathfield, 2012)

Goal #1 Navasota JH will add more wireless access points throughout the campus within the next school year.
Major Steps:
1. Determine the current “hot spots” on the JH campus
2. Make a report of all the areas of the campus that are lacking wireless

access, have a weak connection.

Goal #2 Navasota ISD will increase the bandwidth to support more technological devices.
Major Steps:
1. The technology director will determine the current bandwidth and
approximately how many devices use it.
2. A technology committee will be formed to research other schools who
have moved to a 1:1 environment.
3. A report will be written comparing NISD’s current capacity, and the
school’s need to support enough devices for a 1:1.

Goal #3 Teachers at NJH will be able to incorporate more technology into their lessons.
Major Steps:
1. The teachers will specify what technology is being used in lessons on a
weekly basis.
2. The campus principal will evaluate lessons for compliance.

Goal #4 Teachers at NJH will be able to maintain their classroom technology more efficiently.
Major Steps:
1. Conduct a survey to see the current comfort level of teachers using and
maintaining their technology equipment.
2. Create a set of instructional how-to videos for teachers to access when

Goal #5 Navasota ISD will continue to partner with the Education Foundation to provide teacher’s opportunities to purchase technology equipment.
Major Steps:
1. Work with the grant department to ensure grant training is offered at
multiple times throughout the year.
2. Retrieve reports from the technology department to determine needs for
3. Gather feedback from the campus principal to help determine needs of the campus.

Goal #6 Navasota ISD will apply for technology grants to continue to upgrade and purchase new equipment for the JH campus.
Major Steps:
1. A technology committee should be formed to determine a list of campus
technological needs.
2. The technology committee will work with the grant director to discuss the
amount of funds that are needed.

Goal #7 Navasota ISD will budget funds for the next school year to update the infrastructure at the JH.
Major Steps:
1. The technology director will determine what is needed to update the
infrastructure for the first phase of moving to a 1:1 environment.
2. Quotes will be obtained for the needed equipment.
3. A committee will be formed.
4. The committee will determine which equipment needs to be purchased
first, and make a recommendation to the technology director.

3.  Develop assessment instruments to test the objectives for the technology plan. Describe the desired instrument/s under each objective.

As technology integration continues to increase in our society, it is paramount that teachers possess the skills and behaviors of digital age professionals. Moving forward, teachers must become comfortable being co-learners with their students and colleagues around the world.” (National Educational Technology Standards: NETs for Teachers, 2008) This statement  from the NETS for Teachers really sums up the importance of a school district moving forward and increasing technology resources and integration. The following objectives were outlined from the campus needs of Navasota Junior High. I have followed each objective with how it will be assessed.

Objective 1 - NJH will purchase an additional 10 new laptops that will affect upgrading core and elective teachers’ current technology equipment, and push them to being more efficient using the teacher technology tools available to them.

This objective  will be assessed by  observations of the teacher’s lessons. The campus principal will also evaluate the lessons to check for an increase in the use of technology.

Objective 2 - NISD will update the existing infrastructure to support the 1:1 environment the district plans to have in place within 2 years.

This objective will be assessed by analyzing the budget for next school year. The reports will then be evaluated by a committee who will determine the needs to be purchased over the next two years.

Objective 3 - NJH will add an additional day of professional development training per month. The specific training offered will be based on the current needs of the campus. The needs will be obtained though principal and teacher input.

This objective will be assessed keeping a log of teacher participation and attendance.

Objective 4 - NJH teachers will show mastery of the maintenance of the technology equipment issued to them, such as use of the projector, interactive board, document camera, and a laptop.

This objective will be assessed by interviewing the teacher to determine comfort levels.


Heathfield, S. 2012. Retrieved from

My Goals. 2007. Retrieved from

National Educational Technology Standards: NETs for Teachers 2008


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with your goal that classroom teachers will be able to manage their classroom technology more efficiently, because being able to manage classroom technology makes using technology with students more efficient (Cuban, 1985), because your teachers will not have to wait for someone to fix simple issues that may come up during "computer time".

    Cuban, L.,(1985). Teachers and Machines: The Classroom use of Technology since 1929. Teachers College Press, NY 1985.

    1. Teachers who become problem solvers with their classroom technology are much more efficient with integrating in their classroom and lessons.

  3. I totally agree with you on the importance of goals and objectives. According to (Microsoft,2012), thinking through your strategy and requirements will reduce costs and increase efficiency—reducing false-starts, ensuring compatibility with existing technology, and accurately addressing your organization's unique situation and needs.

    Microsoft (2012). Developing an accessible technology plan. Accessibility:
    technology for everyone. Retrieved (2012, March 2) from

    1. To me it's the foundation of education. Teachers build lessons around goals and objectives. It makes sense that to improve other aspects of school (technology) we must also set goals and objectives.

  4. I find it so interesting in reading all of our different goals for our schools and districts the completely different levels of each school. For example, you have the goal of adding more wireless connections to the school to eliminate low and no connections. I came from a small school last year that didn't have wireless connections anywhere in the school, and my district this year has wireless everywhere in the building without problems. How interesting that our schools can be so different! I have to wonder how these radical differences came to be.

    1. It is interesting to read about the vast differences in schools. The ironic thing...we (TX schools) are all held to the same standards, but have such a wide range in resources available.
