1. Classify technology goals in a proper domain (technology, management, funding).
GOAL 1: Staff performance in technology will continuously improve through educator preparation and staff development.
100% of the educators in the district will receive aligned, effective, research based professional development on integrating technology (including but not limited to graphing calculators, digital and video cameras, document cameras, SMART Boards and video projectors) into all curriculum areas in classrooms, libraries, and curriculum labs and on using technology as an administrative tool when needed.
1.1.1: The District will provide professional development that familiarizes the staff with the Technology Applications TEKS and requirements and the District will insure that these standards are taught.
1.1.2: New teachers will be given an in-depth training in the use of the current grade book and attendance program, Microsoft Office, Outlook, Inspiration, and any other current software being used.
1.1.3: The staff will be trained on how to access public databases and on the Follett library system where an inventory of available technology such as databases, Elmo's, E instruction, etc. will be located.
1.1.4: Educators will be provided training on the use of software needed to integrate technology into the learning environment.
1.1.5: Technology tips that will be provided to all Anahuac ISD staff. Topics are to be associated with improving technology skills in order to facilitate the integration of technology into the curriculum and to add productivity to the educational environment.
1.1.6: The District will maintain a document that lists staff who can train others on available computer resources in the district such as hardware and software. This document will be accessible on the network.
1.1.7: Training will be provided to the library staff in order to increase the use of technology in each campus Library.
GOAL 2: The administration will provide effective leadership to support the integrating of technology into the curriculum and improving effectiveness and efficiency of technology usage.
Planning will be an ongoing tool for improvement in educational technology.
2.1.1: Using Staff input, the District will effectively budget for the purchase of technology in order to advance the integration of technology into the curriculum.
2.1.2: The District will integrate technology planning into all campus and district improvement plans.
100% of the campuses and the District will use student management technology to improve efficiency.
2.2.1: The District will continue to use and provide training in extended capabilities of the Skyward student management software in order to increase productivity.
2.2.2: To increase technology usage in data disaggregation and using PEIMS data, the District will provide tutorials for Administrators.
The District will collaborate with at least one other local entity to share resources.
3.3.1: The District will collaborate with the Chambers County Library System to provide web access on the District website to the county library and on the county website to access the district library.
2. Identify the major steps required to accomplish technological goals.
First, a needs assessment must be taken. We must set our vision and goals and begin to lay the groundwork for the steps that will follow in the process.
Next, we need to evaluate the technology that we already have and develop a set of comprehensive requirement of what we need in ways of technology and management.
Based on what is outlined in the previous step, now we will design and develop the technology needed and then purchase it. If anything needs to been done to the infrastructure, these needs will be assessed at this time.
Once all the new technology is in place, it is time to train all personal.
Then, for the long term, maintenance and continued education is an important factor.
These steps were adapted from a plan set forth from Microsoft. (2012)
3. Develop assessment instruments to test the objectives for the technology plan. Describe the desire instrument/s under each objective.
Assessment instruments include assessing performance, products or attitude to evaluate objectives (Dick and Carey Model).
Objective 1.1.1 - 1.1.7 – These are all performance objectives and can observed by the implementation into classroom and measured by the ISTE NETS Standards for Teacher.
Assessment Instrument: Successful Implementation into the classroom by the teacher or personnel into appropriate place ex: library.
Objective 2.1.1
Assessment Instrument: Work with several technology vendors to get prices on instructional materials that want to be purchased.
Objective 2.1.2
Assessment Instrument: Check list to assure that technology integration has been implemented into all of the campus plans.
Objective 2.2.1 – 2.2.2
Assessment Instrument: Reports submitted to building principals revealing information gathered from Skyward.
Objective 3.3.1
Assessment Instrument: Make weekly checks on the district website to make sure the link to county library is work properly and check the county library website to make sure the district website link is working properly.
Dick, W. & Cary, L. (1990), The Systematic Design of Instruction, Third Edition, Harper
Microsoft (2012). Developing an accessible technology plan. Accessibility:
technology for everyone. Retrieved March 2, 2012 from
technology for everyone. Retrieved March 2, 2012 from
1.1.4 states that Educators will be provided training on the use of software needed to integrate technology into the learning environment. I found a statement in a recent article to state a very true fact which is, "Classroom teachers need support to integrate technology into the curriculum. The “how to” instruction must be balanced with curriculum focused integration planning. Technology is not a class taught down the hall. Educators at all levels need help to really use the technology tools in the classroom. Practical strategies for teachers need to be the focus of professional development" (Ormiston, 2003). In the past this was the only way student received technology applications but now as a 21st century school that is no longer the case.
Ormiston, M. (2003). Article about technology integration. Technology intergration. Retrieved (2012, March 5)from http://www.techteachers.com/technologyintegration.htm
So true, I am finally seeing more and more of my teachers taking their students to the computer lab. Finally!!! It is so refreshing and does take some of the burden off of me. It helps them to implement what I am teaching them.
ReplyDeleteYour goal 1.1.6 states: “The District will maintain a document that lists staff who can train others on available computer resources in the district such as hardware and software. This document will be accessible on the network.” Using teachers to teach each other is a valuable tool. There are teachers in a district who are knowledgeable and why not use that resource. One article states “[i]f you're not capitalizing on the expertise of members of your school's teaching team, your staff is missing out on the most effective professional development around. It's professional development tailored to your school's culture and needs” (Education World, 2011). I liked how it points out that using people in your district tailors to your school’s culture.
Education World. 2011. Teachers Teaching Teachers: Professional Development That Works. Retrieved from http://www.educationworld.com/a_admin/admin/admin459.shtml
Yes, and with budget cuts it helps to save $$$ too!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your great post this week. I enjoyed reading your plan.
Objective 3.3.1 focuses on using communities organizations as resources, which I think is a wonderful idea. Too often I find in education I find that we take on so much burden that we sometimes to forget that community groups exist that want and can help our schools. Reaching out to our community and creating that partnership is vital. The article Healthy School Communities discusses how to engage community stakeholders in meaningful ways.
Tasco, A. (n.d.). Resources Page. Healthy School Communities. Retrieved March 7, 2012, from http://www.healthyschoolcommunities.org/HSRC/pages/navigationcontent/Resources.aspx?display=ResourcesLink12
We tend to overlook what is right in our backyard. There can be some many valuable resources, we need to take advantages of them.
ReplyDeleteNeeds assessments "help planners focus better on schoolwide issues" and every part of the school can be a part of the assessment (Implementing, 2008). Our district had to fill out an online survey when we completed ours. How do you plan on going about implementing your needs assessment?
Implementing schoolwide programs. (2008). Planning schoolwide program change. Retrieved March 6, 2012 from http://www2.ed.gov/pubs/Idea_Planning/Step_2.html
I was planning to use something like Google or Survey Monkey.
DeleteLaura, some objectives under Management should be in Funding part. But the Funding domain was not provided in this report.
ReplyDeletePlease provide your responses back to the reviewers. Thanks!