Monday, March 5, 2012

Private- Develop Assessment

Develop Assessment Instrument

1.       Classify technology goals in a proper domain (technology, management, funding). Identify the major steps required to accomplish technological goals.

Technology Objective:  Utilize technology applications to develop foundations, information acquisition, problem solving, and communication understanding to prepare students for Kindergarten (TEKS: Technology Applications, K-2).

1.1 Students will increase fine motor skills with skill builder games, applications, and software into the current curriculum plan to build skills needed for writing, cutting, and mouse control. Student mastery of objectives using skill builder games, applications, and software will be used to measure whether objective is being met.                                           

Instructional Goal: Improve preschool student’s fine motor, gross motor and manual dexterity skills by manipulating touch screens, touch pads, and or a mouse to complete objectives using skill builder games, applications, and software.

Performance Objectives:

1.1       During classroom instruction the student will use psychomotor skills to manipulate a mouse to complete objectives.

1.2       The student will need a computer equipped with a mouse and access to online applications to accomplish this objective. Student will demonstrate mastery by completing assigned objectives independently.

Skill builder game/application:

Tux Paint ( is a free download. It is an open source drawing software for Children.        


1.2 Promote cognitive development and problem solving skills using software, applications, and skill builder games to enhance classroom instruction and benefit student learning. Student mastery of objectives using skill builder games, applications, and software will be used to measure whether objective is being met.

Instructional Goal: Increase cognitive skills, structural knowledge, and basic problem solving using discovery based software. Students’ gain an understanding how technology is used in real world experiences to solve problems.

Performance Objectives:

1.1       During classroom instruction the student will use intellectual skills to develop cognitive skills used in problem solving while gaining structural knowledge of how games, applications, and software operate.

1.2       Problem solving and skill builder games will help students develop understanding, analyzing and evaluating concepts to make sense out of the world around them.

1.3       The student will need a computer equipped with games, applications, and software to accomplish this objective. Student will demonstrate mastery by completing assigned objectives independently.

Beginner game/application

Sebran ( is a free download. Sebran's ABC's colorful pictures, pleasant music, and gentle games teach letters, numbers, simple math, and rudiments of reading.)    

Skill builder game/application

 CyberStart for Children ( ) is a free download.

1.3 Students will develop literacy skills and communication skills through skill builder games, applications, and software to promote student learning and enhance classroom instruction. Student mastery of objectives using skill builder games, applications, and software will be used to measure whether objective is being met.

Instructional Goal: Develop literacy skills, language development, and begin reading using skill builder games, applications, and software. Cognitive and verbal skills will also benefit from during instruction.

Performance Objectives:

1.1  During classroom instruction the student will use intellectual skills to explore literacy units, develop language skills, and begin reading.

1.2  The student will need a computer equipped with games, applications, and software to accomplish this objective. Student will demonstrate mastery by completing assigned objectives independently.

Beginner game/application

StoryPlace ( is a free online application. Each theme contains stories read aloud in English and Spanish, an online activity, a take home activity, and supporting reading lists.                                                                                                                                   

Skill builder game/application

                           ( is a free download.                        

Funding Objectives

1.0 The technology specialist will establish funding for four technology learning stations to be placed in far corner of the Frog classroom (3-4 yr. olds) that adjoins the Crocodile classroom (4-5 yr. olds). Each station will be equipped with a personal computer, desk, chair, speakers, headphones, wireless internet or broadband and adequate lighting. Funding needs to be established by June 4, 2012 when classes advance up. The campus consist of two building that house two classrooms, computer stations will only be available for the Frog and Crocodile students. 

2.0 The technology specialist and the school director will make budget accommodations to provide for the necessary technology supplements including applications and software. Funding for the computer stations will be based on budget allowances and parental contributions until corporate sponsorship can be established. Objective will be met by June 4, 2012 when classes advance up for the four and five year old Crocodile and Frog classes.

3.0 The technology specialist will establish a partnership with the parents via technology training for one-time donation to supplement initial cost and recruit volunteers for one-on-one learning sessions with students during school hours.

4.0 The technology specialist will obtain a corporate sponsorship to help compensate monthly and yearly funding cost. Computer hardware and accessories can be donated or funding established using websites such as Objective needs to meet by June 4, 2012 when classes advance up for the four and five year old Crocodile and Frog classes.

Management Objectives

1.0 The technology specialist must understand the necessity for integrating technology into the current curriculum and instruction plan and develop the technology integration plan.

2.0 The technology specialist will promote ongoing professional development by providing access to online resources, courses, workshops and conferences for teachers to increase confidence, knowledge, skills and abilities related to integrating technology.

3.0 The technology specialist and the director of World of Wonder will maintain student workstations. Computers need to be inspected and maintained regularly, as well as, keeping the area neat and clean.

4.0 The technology specialist will provide instructional and technical support for teachers and students.  This objective needs to be continually monitored by management and technical staff to ensure that both the teachers and the students are growing, learning, and achieving using the technology plan.

3.       Develop assessment instruments to test the objectives for the technology plan. Describe the desired instrument/s under each objective.
Assessment Instrument:

Step-by Step Curriculum                                                 450 Lessons                                                            Track Individual Student
                                                                                                                                              progess for mastery.
Stream lined for student success                                  3,000 Activities
Individual student accounts                                            Promote Fine motor, cognitive,
                                                                                     and literacy development.

* I created several charts to visually represent the information presented in the text but was unable to upload them to this blog.
National Educational Technology Standards: NETs for Teachers 2008. Retrieved March 3, 2012 from
State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Assessments Comparison Chart for the 2011-2012 School Year. Retrieved March 3, 2012 from
Tux Paint. 2012. Retrieved March 4, 2012 from

Sebran’s ABC. 2011. Retrieved March 4, 2012 from
CyberStart for Children. Cognitive Developmental Freeware by Larry Loveland. Retrieved March 4, 2012
StoryPlace. 2010. Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. Retrieved March 4, 2012 from 2011. Retrieved March 4, 2012 from
Dick, Carey, and Carey. 2001. The Systematic Design for Instruction. 2012. Retrieved March 4, 2012 from


  1. Amy, nice job. There are well-focused and specific objectives and steps. These can be quickly acted upon. I like your suggested software- I have seen Tux Paint and Starfall used for our K-2 students.

  2. Embedding a technology specialist that has the knowledge to design and implement instructional technology can be a major challenge. Also, finding educators that are willing to change can also be a challenge (Bassoppo-Moyo, 2011). What’s been the biggest challenge of integrating technology into the current curriculum?

    BASSOPPO-MOYO, T. C. (2011). How Computer Science Finally Got it Right for Instructional Technology and Design Specialists. International Journal Of Instructional Media, 38(4), 335-349.

    1. So far my biggest challange is getting the director of our tiny preschool excited about integrating new technology permanently into our curriculum and instruction plan. She feels that since our school hours so short (8:30-1:00) that we will not have enough time during the day to include computer learning sessions. I am wearing her down and she has agreed if I can provide two PC's that she will allow me to use next year as a trial run for my technology plan!!

  3. TuxPaint is a great tool for beginners needing to draw. I think I will use it for my older students for some lesson plans. I use in my Junior High class the paint that comes with miscrosoft. My students have learned to draw geometry figures and pictures. I did a tutorial through this website and then had my students do it. We have done many lesson plans in Geometry through this one. We also use Geometry sketch pad but they seem to have more fun using paint. My students even turned in homework on-line using paint.

    Nicholson,P. (2007). Having Fun With Microsoft Paind. Retrieved from

    1. Thank you for the information! I am going to add Microsoft Paint as an alternative program for drawing and learning colors while developing those much needed fine motor skills.

  4. is a great assessment for students. I love this website, it is amazing. I love the fact that students are learning while having fun. I especially love the lesson builders. It motivate students to continue learning. I also love that it is a full online curriculum for preschoolers and kindergarteners. I have been teaching in the computer lab to earn practicum hours and I am going to recommend the use of this online learning tool for our kindergarteners and 1st graders. We currently use Starfall for our kindergarteners and 1st graders.

    1. I agree with you completely Donzella! I played with allowed my five year old to sit with me while explored both sites and she loved I plan on introducing it to parents so that they can utilize this fantastic resource at home as well.
