Joy Schwartz – Week 7 - Develop Assessment Instruments – Step 5
Goal 1: Incorporate technology as an integral part of education.
Objective 1.1: In 3 years student graduating from BISD will demonstrate knowledge needed to direct their continued pursuit of knowledge in digital world of information.
Budget for this objective: $503,214.00
LRPT Category: Teaching and Learning
E-Rate Correlates:
NCLB Correlates: 01 02 03 04a 07
Strategy 1.1.2: Students will use technology in inquiry standards-based lessons that require collaboration and higher-level thinking skills.
State: Original
Status: In Progress
Timeline: Ongoing
Person(s) Responsible: Curriculum Supervisors Principals Technology Lead Teachers All Classroom Teachers
Evidence: Collaborative student technology projects, teacher lesson plans, walk-though observations 85% of teachers will include at least one higher-level thinking technology activity bi-monthly
LRPT Correlates: EP04, EP05, TL04, TL06, TL07, TL08
Goal 2: Provide staff development for all in the use of appropriate emerging technologies and their integration as a natural part of education.
Objective 2.1: Plan staff development activities to meet expectations for technology proficiencies for educators.
Budget for this objective: $532,106.00
LRPT Category: Educator Preparation and Development
E-Rate Correlates: ER02
NCLB Correlates: 01 02 03 04a 04b
Strategy 2.1.5: Provide ongoing sustained professional development for teachers, principals, administrators, and school library media personnel to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library media center.
State: Original
Status: In Progress
Timeline: Immediate and ongoing
Person(s) Responsible: Director of Information Services Director of Performance Management/Instructional Technology Director of Staff Development Designated administrators
Evidence: Staff development evaluation and number of attendees
LRPT Correlates: EP05, EP09, TL07
Goal 4: The district will establish the human and technical infrastructure to encourage communication and to improve access to data and educational resources.
Objective 4.1: The district will secure adequate funding for maintaining state-of-the-art technology resources for all BISD facilities.
Budget for this objective: $2,672,381.00
LRPT Category: Infrastructure for Technology
E-Rate Correlates: ER01
NCLB Correlates: 05 06 08 12
Strategy 4.1.4: The district will have each campus allocate a percent of their local budget to technology needs, including professional development.
State: Original
Status: Completed
Timeline: Ongoing
Person(s) Responsible: Superintendent Board of Trustees Director of Information Services Director of Performance Management/Instructional Technology Principals
Evidence: Campus plans Campus budgets 10% of campus budget committed to technology
LRPT Correlates: EP01, I01, I04, I06, I07
Goal 1: Incorporate technology as an integral part of education.
- Hire appropriately certified personnel to teach within the computer science department (at least one campus has a business certified teacher teaching the computer science class and the interest and number of students enrolled has steadily declined).
- Have lead teachers within each department, develop and model lessons involving technology and higher order thinking skills for other teachers within the department.
- Have lead teachers assist teachers to create lessons of their own.
- Set a minimum required number of technology lessons per six weeks. These should be documented within lesson plans and observed by either lead teachers or administrators.
- Require teachers to attend technology training more than one day out of the school year. Support teachers by funding expenses if training is out of town.
Goal 2: Provide staff development for all in the use of appropriate emerging technologies and their integration as a natural part of education.
- Use data collected for e-rate survey (Star survey) to select appropriate staff development topics based on educators needs.
- Provide alternate methods of technology training for personnel (such as online material).
- Provide technology training each six weeks (currently only offered once each school year).
- Hire an instructional technologist on each campus to assist teachers with creating and carrying out lessons utilizing technology.
Goal 4: The district will establish the human and technical infrastructure to encourage communication and to improve access to data and educational resources.
- Adequately budget for the funding of technology training for all personnel.
- Create a grant-writing committee to research and write grants for even more funding options to purchase and maintain technology.
- Establish a partnership with Lamar University that will allow sharing of technology, curriculum, and other resources.
- Have in-house training with teachers who attend professional development opportunities outside the district, so they can pass on their newly acquired knowledge and skills to co-workers.
Goal 1: Incorporate technology as an integral part of education.
Objective 1.1: In 3 years student graduating from BISD will demonstrate knowledge needed to direct their continued pursuit of knowledge in digital world of information.
Evidence: Collaborative student technology projects, teacher lesson plans, walk-though observations 85% of teachers will include at least one higher-level thinking technology activity bi-monthly.
Other evidence or assessment could include: lesson plans including technology lessons, minutes from departmental or content area meetings in which lead teachers would model technology lessons, and professional development certificates (could require so many each semester, etc).
Goal 2: Provide staff development for all in the use of appropriate emerging technologies and their integration as a natural part of education.
Objective 2.1: Plan staff development activities to meet expectations for technology proficiencies for educators.
Evidence: Staff development evaluation and number of attendees.
Other evidence or assessment could include: the creation of new position on each campus (instructional technologist), professional development certificates (could require so many each semester, etc), and survey teachers at the beginning and ending of the school year to evaluate their use of technology within the classroom.
Goal 4: The district will establish the human and technical infrastructure to encourage communication and to improve access to data and educational resources.
Objective 4.1: The district will secure adequate funding for maintaining state-of-the-art technology resources for all BISD facilities.
Evidence: Campus plans and Campus budgets set aside 10% of campus budget committed to technology.
Other evidence or assessment could include: acquired grant monies, established partnership between BISD and Lamar University, and days set aside for in-house training (teachers training other teachers).
BEAUMONT ISD Technology Plan for E-Rate Year 13. (2010-2013). Beaumont Independent School District, Beaumont, Texas.
E-rate. (2012). E-rate Information. Retrieved on February 27, 2012 from
Long-Range Plan for Technology. (2006-2020). Retrieved on February 27, 2012 from
No Child Left Behind policy. (2012). Retrieved on February 27, 2012 from
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