1. Classify technology goals in a proper domain (technology, management, funding)
Target Population: Hearne ISD (PreK-12)-Hearne Elementary, Hearne Jr. High, Hearne High School
GOAL 1: Hire and maintain a highly qualified Instructional Technologist
• Instructional Technologist will assist teachers with developing and the implementation of lessons with more technology in their instructions and usage of new and old technology equipment in the classroom
• Instructional Technologist will work with the Technology specialist to collaborative implementing and maintaining new and updated software and or hardware for teacher and student needs
• Instructional Technologist will conduct mini-teaches to demonstrate how to effectively implement technology into instruction
Target Population: Hearne ISD students (K-12) and professional staff on all campuses
Goal 2: Develop a Technology Plan/Technology Professional Development Plan
• Create a technology plan committee which will include professional staff from each campus, curriculum director, technology specialist, principals, and business office personal
• The committee will assess the technology needs of the district to create goals and objectives to meet the needs of all students
• The committee will develop a Technology Plan/Technology Professional Development Plan that will enhance learning through the technology applications curriculum based on the NETS S. and ISTE performance indicators
The technology applications curriculum has six strands based on the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS•S) and performance indicators developed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE): creativity and innovation; communication and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and concepts. (Texas Education Agency, 2011)
Goal 3: Staff computer lab with highly qualified teacher(s) on the elementary campus to teach TEKS objectives (k-6) for Technology.
• Determine a need for a computer lab teacher
• Analyze the current budget to determine if funds are available to hire a new teacher for the 2012-2013 school year
Goal 4: Provide adequate technology professional development for all staff
• Develop basic step by step tutorials for commonly used software and or devices
• Create a technology communication system for Q&A for teachers to use daily for immediate responses for assistance with minor problems from other staff members and technical support
• Develop and plan more advanced trainings for new and old technology devices
• Provide activities with strategies during technology staff development to ensure new teachers are able to meet the standards for the STaR Chart.
2. Identify the major steps required to accomplish technological goals.
GOAL 1: Hire and maintain a highly qualified Instructional Technologist
Objective 1.1
o Instructional Technologist will assist teachers with developing and the implementation of lessons with more technology in their instructions and usage of new and old technology equipment in the classroom
The district will search and hire a highly qualified instructional Technologist according to the guidelines mandated by the state of Texas
Instructional technologist will perform duties to assist all professional staff with instructional planning to implement more technology through instruction and software or hardware usage
The district will provide staff liaisons on each campus to assist the instructional technologist

Instructional Technologist will work with the
Technology specialist to collaborative implementing and maintaining new and
updated software and or hardware for teacher and student needs
updated information on current software needed for instructional purposes
Create a
directory of current and new software available in the district for each core
subject area for teacher use

Technologist will conduct mini-lessons to demonstrate how to effectively
implement technology into instruction
academic feedback for teachers during mini lessons
present TEKS objectives using technology devices
student participation during integrated technology lessons to gather data
Goal 2:
Develop a Technology Plan/Technology Professional Development Plan

Create a
technology plan committee which will include professional staff from each
campus, curriculum director, technology
specialist, principals, and business office personal
how many professional staff members will be on the committee

committee will assess the technology needs of the district to create goals and
objectives to meet the needs of all students
goals that will allow students to demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology
Goal 3:
Staff computer lab with highly qualified teacher(s)
on the elementary campus to teach TEKS objectives (k-6) for Technology.

a need for a computer lab teacher
Survey K-6
grade teachers to determine if there is a need for a computer lab teacher
parents and the community

funding to staff the position (s)
Apply for
grants to continue funding the staff
Use current
technology funds to maintain and update certifications
Goal 4:
Provide adequate technology professional development for all staff

basic step by step tutorials for commonly used software and or devices
PowerPoint tutorials with handouts available on the school or technology
Create how
to do videos (DVD, web, podcast)
technology liaisons on each campus

Create a
technology communication system for Q&A for teachers to use daily for
immediate responses for assistance with minor problems from other staff members
and technical support
technology liaisons on each campus
Create a
blog for each campus

and plan more advanced trainings for new and old technology devices
district will design mini workshops throughout the year for professional
district will collaborate with each campus to determine what advance trainings
are needed on each campus

activities with strategies during technology staff development to ensure new
teachers are able to meet the standards for the STaR Chart.
trainings on the usage of all classroom assigned equipment
quick reference guides in the classroom
Assign a
mentor teacher or liaison to assist with writing lesson plans
3. Develop assessment instruments to test the
objectives for the technology plan.
Describe the desired instrument/s under each objective.
After the
development of a Technology Plan Hearne ISD will assess the objectives by using
the following assessment instruments:
1: Hire and maintain a highly qualified
Instructional Technologist
Evaluate job
performance by formal evaluations, walk through
Survey teachers
to determine in the instructional technologist is knowledgeable and helpful on
each campus
documentation of continued education credits earned on a yearly basis
Verify requirements
for hire (education, certifications, experience etc.)
Review documentation
(list) of current and new software to determine changes and or improvements
Goal 2:
Develop a Technology Plan/Technology Professional Development Plan
technology plan meeting minutes to determine if adequate and obtainable goals are being created
Evaluate drafts
of the plan to determine if goals are measurable
Goal 3:
Staff computer lab with highly qualified teacher(s) on the elementary campus to
teach TEKS objectives (k-6) for Technology.
yearly rehire information from campus principal
allocated funding for teacher retention
lesson plans for current TEKS standards and objectives for technology
Goal 4:
Provide adequate technology professional development for all staff
Mandatory evaluation
sheets or electronic surveys concerning each technology professional development
session to rate the training
All technology
professional development sessions will have some form of training to provide
staff with hands on examples to be completed at least 75% during the session
ready to use in the classroom
Sign in sheets
for staff to verify attendance
Provide documentation
form any technology professional development that is not local
ReplyDeleteI love your Objective 4.1, develop basic step by step tutorials for commonly used software or devices. What a great way to train teachers on their time frame. For our district, that seems to be the biggest obstacle… time. This is wonderful solution to help staff members learn basic computer skill. Polselli, (2002) reported about a program that offered this type of training. He had the following enlightening points about Web-Based Training. “Mentor supported web-based training for K-12 teachers can improve technology integration in the classroom.There are many benefits associated with Web-Based Training (WBT). Driscoll (1997) pointed out seven such advantages: Internet resources, communication between teacher and learner, cost savings, global accessibility, efficient and organized delivery, consistent and up-to-date material, and ease of maintenance. One important element of online learning for adults is that they are allowed to move at their own paces (Fisher, 1995)” (Polselli, 2002). I am definitely going to suggest this to my district Technology Coordinator. What sort of accountability would hold for those attending the training? ~ Carol
I also like your Objective 4.1. AtomicLearning.com provides tutorials online specifically for educator professional development. Tutorials are similiar to powerpoint are fast and full of great information, ideas, and tips.
DeleteAtomicLearning.com (2012) Atomic Learning, Inc. Retrieved March 2, 2012 from http://www.atomiclearning.com/.
DeleteThose completing the training would have to either take a test, complete a survey via internet, or print an example of what was completed. In Dr. Ezell's first class we learned how to do certain animations with PowerPoint and we had to submit the end result for a grade this would be a perfect way for teachers to learn hands on and be able to practice over and over until they feel confident enough to use the software.
Marlise...Oops... Forgot my reference.
ReplyDeletePolselli, R. (2002). Combining Web-Based Training and Mentorship to Improve Technology Integration in the K-12 Classroom. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 10(2), 247+. Retrieved March 7, 2012, from Questia database: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5002487830
In goal 1, you stated to hire a Highly Qualified Instructional Technologist. In an article by Robert Mager, he states that an Instructional Technologist is able to derive and describe instructional goals in forms that are usable by the learners. These techniques and procedures include task analysis, objectives specification, target population specification, criterion development, process development, material selection, system improvement, implementation analysis, change induction and technological advancement.
ReplyDeleteMager, R. (2007). The Instructional Technologist.. Educational Technology, 47(1), 70-71. Retrieved March 7, 2012, from the Internet and Personal Computing Abstracts... database.
DeleteUsing CScope to implement goals through technology will be helpful for teachers and less time consuming for an Instructional Technologist since the goals and objectives are already in place. Some goals may need to be modified to follow IEP's for students with special needs.
ReplyDeleteFYI-I found an article similar to your Goal #1 and its Objectives. I think your Goal #1 is a good encouragement for teacher technology use. Mike Johnson, Lexington Kentucky district Technology Resource Teacher, stated that one of the most important things their district did was assigned each school a Technology Resource Teacher (TRT) to work directly in the classroom. The TRT's model lessons with kids, find online resources for teachers, show teachers how to use equipment, provide one-on-one training during planning time. He also stated that one reason the program has been so successful is that teachers don't have to go to after-school training sessions or figure out technology activities on their own. The TRT's find the teachers, ask what they're doing in their classroom, and work with them to integrate technology into existing lessons.
Starr, L. (2009). Encouraging Teacher Technology Use. Retrieved March 4, 2012, from http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech159.shtml
DeleteThe major problem with professional development is time and money. In class support would be awesome for my campus/district because we are always getting new or updated technology devices but most teachers have no clue how to use the devices effectively.