Monday, March 5, 2012

Webb Elementary-Navasota ISD-Robyn Allphin

1.         Classify technology goals in a proper domain (technology, management, funding).

The following goals for John C. Webb Elementary and Navasota ISD were based on ISTE NETS.  Our district is aiming to “facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity, design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments, model digital-age work and learning, promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility, engage in professional growth and leadership” (NETS, 2008).


Goal 1:  John C. Webb Elementary will promote the use of technology implementation to promote excellence on the campus, through staff, students, and parents, by providing rigorous, relevant, and engaging education to all students.
·          Objective 1.1:  Online technology textbooks will be purchased to assist teacher in preparing and teaching lessons and assist students in learning activities.
o   Measured by TA TEKS taught in all subject areas are shown and recorded on lesson plans and observable through classroom visits.
·         Objective 1.2:  NISD and John C. Webb Elementary will update the district and campus website on a regular basis to communicate news to parents and community members.
o   Measured by community support through feedback.
·         Objective 1.3:  DMAC Solutions, a data disaggregating software, will continue to be provided to the teachers, for the analysis of data to support sound decision making for student success.
o   Measured by increase in student accountability scores.
·         Objective 1.4:  NISD will continue to subscribe to online Gradebook software and keep it updated as currently as possible to keep administrators, teachers, students, and parents current on a child’s progress and grades.
o   Measured through parent feedback, usage of program, and administration recommendation.
·         Objective 1.5:  NISD will continue to subscribe to and provide subscriptions to the most current, reliable search engines, online libraries, and card catalogs to support flexible access to library resources afterhours.
o   Measured by usage of sites log, feedback from students, parents, and teachers.
·         Objective 1.6:  All NISD campuses will be able to use wireless internet that is kept up-to-date and protected from intruders, and viruses.
o   Measured by usage, amount of viruses that are contained and no intruders were able to hack the system.


Goal 2:  John C. Webb Elementary will promote and environment of professional learning that empowers and encourages educators to enhance student learning through technology.

·         Objective 2.1:  Update the district’s Acceptable Use Policies for the 2012-2013 school year for students and staff.
o   Measured by current school year’s problem areas with students and staff, survey of staff, and recommendations of teachers.
·         Objective 2.2:  Update technology inventory needed for 2012-2013 school year.  The inventory should include technology equipment, networking capacity, software used for filtering and curriculum, telecommunications services, and facilities infrastructure.
o   Measured by previous year’s inventory, campus inventory checklist, and teacher/administration records of technology used and/or purchased.
·         Objective 2.3:  Determine the distribution amount of federal, state, local, and other sources of funds.
o   Measured by amount of funds received, suggestions of school board, and previous year’s budget allotment of funds.
·         Objective 2.4:  Keep or purchase current software for automated tracking of workstations, workstation specs, and software installed on all district computers.
o   Measured by tracking software, feedback of specialists and teachers.
·         Objective 2.5:  Submit technology repair requests using a low-cost program, such as Google Forms.
o   Measured by usage.
·         Objective 2.6:  NISD and JCW campus will have assigned specialist to continue to back up all servers on site and off site for disaster recovery purposes. 
o   Measured by whether or not backups are current.


Goal 3:  John C. Webb Elementary will seek out and allocate time, resources, grants, and funding to continuously improve the campus’ use of information and technology resources.

·         Objective 3.1:  Determine anticipated expense report for the 2012-2013 school year in the technological areas of hardware/software, upgrades of current technology devices, and digital curriculum. 
o   Determined and measured by the current budget of funding sources through the Title II, Part D, E-rate, Navasota Education Foundation, State Technology Allotment, and local funds.
o   Anticipated expenses measured through current use of technology within the district, previous year’s budget and expense report, purchase orders, teacher lesson plans, and survey of needed technology of teachers and staff.
·         Objective 3.2:  Increase staff development in technology applications with staff to twice a month for each campus within the district.
o   Measureable by surveys, calendar, and completion sign in sheets/logs.
·         Objective 3.3:  Decrease the device to student ratio of 4:1 to 1:1 with increasing technology devices to provide all students with regular hands-on technology applications instruction and learning activities in all grade level foundation subjects.
o   Measured by TEKS in curriculum and guidelines, lesson plans reflect usage, classroom walk-throughs, increase in student accountability scores, student work samples and projects on file, and all students demonstrate 80% mastery of the technology application TEKS.
·         Objective 3.4:  The most current and up-to-date Microsoft Office will be installed on all campus computers.
o   Measured by checklist of teacher workstations containing up-to-date Microsoft Office.
·         Objective 3.5:  All out-of-date labs and equipment will be updated to meet the minimum standards in the district’s Obsolescence Plan and Campus Technology Plans. 
o   Measured by an end of the year inventory demonstrates the need to replace out of date workstations/equipment.

2.         Identify the major steps required to accomplish technological goals.

Instructional goal “is a much broader statement of what students will be able to do after completing a set of instructional materials, and includes a real-world (performance) context outside of the learning situation” (Dick & Carey, 1996).  The difference between a goal and objective are that objectives are “much more specific, and describe a context within the learning situation” (Dick & Carey, 1996).

Terminal objective is goal statement “written in the form of an objective” (Dick & Carey, 1996).  It “has all the components of a performance objective, but its conditions reflect the context that will be available in the learning environment as opposed to the performance environment” (Dick & Carey, 1996).

In order to accomplish the technological goals, the following steps must be taken:  a needs assessment, write performance objectives, develop assessment instruments, develop and select instructional materials, design and conduct formative and summative evaluations.

3.         Develop assessment instruments to test the objectives for the technology plan. Describe the desired instrument/s under each objective.

Technology Assessment Instruments:
·         Checklist of TA TEKS implemented in teacher’s lesson plans
·         Checklist of TA TEKS observed during administration walk-throughs
·         Survey’s and feedback of staff, parents, students, and community
·         Student accountability scores analysis
·         Log of program/software usage

Funding Assessment Instruments:
·          Measured through current budget distributions of funding sources
·         Projected cost analysis report created by current technology use within the district, teacher lesson plans, current yearly budget and expense report, purchase orders, and possible teacher needs
·         Technology hardware/software inventory
·         Checklist

Management Assessment Instruments:
·          Surveys of student/teacher needs
·         Technology hardware/software inventory
·         Checklists
·         Tracking software for usage of programs/software

Dick, W. and Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction, 4th ed. New York: Harper Collins Publishing.

National Educational Technology Standards: NETs for Teachers 2008


  1. Robyn,
    This is a well developed plan. I am looking at Item 3.5 and wondering if instead of licenses for Microsoft if the products offered through google docs could suffice? While I find some are not so elaborate with the options, particularly with animation, but the overall benefit vs. cost compensates for this. What do you think?

    Utecht, J. (2012) Ten reasons to trash Word for Google docs. Blog Retrieved on March 5, 2012 from

    1. Allison,

      You bring up a very good point. Our district is using Google Docs more and more rather than Microsoft Word. With the state budget crisis this could be an area my district needs to look into. Although, I feel that Google Docs is still not all the way up to par with Microsoft, so I'm not so sure I would want to do away with that goal.

  2. Robyn,

    Your goal 1 is a great goal! I think that goal is very common across the different school districts. It is important to have online gradebooks, and utilize different technology tools. The main focus is to prepare students for the 21st century, which is required by TEA. Online textbooks are a great investment in the long run. It saves trees, and saves books from being damaged. Katy ISD offers a few textbooks online for high school students as a trail. Students are allowed to bring their own devices to campus. It has been working out very well for them! What other tools does your district plan on implementing?

    Texas Education Agency. (2006). Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020. Texas Education Agency. Retrieved February 23, 2012.

    1. Ashley,

      It is nice to hear that online textbooks are working good for your district. My district is looking at adopting a "Bring Your Own Device" policy. If they do, I feel that online textbooks would be much more beneficial. However, if the policy is not adopted, they are still going to strive to meet the ratio of students to devices as 1:1. I'm not really sure if that is possible in the current budget crisis.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like on your Objective 3.2: Increase staff development in technology applications with staff to twice a month for each campus within the district. This is something that needs to be done in order for teachers to be adequately trained. There is always new technology that needs to be learned, it can also be training on websites.
