Monday, March 5, 2012

Katy ISD- Ashley Peabody, Week 7


Classify technology goals in a proper domain (technology, management, funding).

TEA requires disrticts to meet the needs of Texas students and prepare them for success in the 21st
Century. Texas schoold districts  must have time and resources to scuccessfully prepare ongoing
professional development for all teachers (Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020). Katy ISD's
technology plan is based off this same philosphy. Their goal to provide the right equipment and tools to
prepare teachers to effectivly teachstudents. The following are goals for the district based off their needs:


           GOAL 1: Engage students by integrating technology into all aspects of the curriculum and learning  
           environments (classrooms, libraries, homes and communities).

          GOAL 2: Implement a variety of different software and technology tools such as: audio software, video
          software, graphic software, and web design.


           GOAL 3: Provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and classroom strategies to integrate and
           emerge technology into teaching.

          GOAL 4: Provide a technology specialist on every campus to help teachers and students with  
          different technology needs.

           GOAL 5: Provide funding for a high-performance infrastructure.
           GOAL 6: Utilize grant writing teams at the district level to secure additional funding to implement and
           maintain technology.

Identify the major steps required to accomplish technological goals.
Microsoft (2012) understands that every district has special requirements but there are common
steps to access a technology plan. It is important to think through the strategies
and requirements before implementing a plan. There are five steps to consider are:1. Define the accessible
technology strategy, 2. Identify requirements, 3. Design, develop, and purchase technology, 4. Implement
and train, and 5. Maintain technology and contiune learning.

The major steps to accomplish Goal 1: Engage students by integrating technology into all aspects of the
curriculum and learning environments (classrooms, libraries, homes and communities):
  1. Take an inventory of technology available at each campus, library, student's home, and community.
  2. Assess the needs of teachers and students to see what technology is needed to improve teachingand learning.
  3. Determine if the current technology available can address those needs and see if the funding is available to purchase the technology.
  4. Provide teachers with the tools and skills to successfully integrate technology into everyday teaching.
  5. Provide students with different opportunities and resources to utilize in order to access technology if it is not available at home.
The major steps to accomplish Goal 2: Implement a variety of different software and technology tools into
teaching such as: audio software, video software, graphic software, and web design.
  1. To take an inventory of different software available through KATY ISD.
  2. Asses the needs of the teachers, students, and curriculum to determine if additional software is necessary and determine if there is funding to purchase the new software.
  3. Provide teachers with the tools and skills to successfully implement the software effectively and efficiently into everyday teaching (ISTE, 2011).
The major steps to accomplish Goal 3: Provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and classroom
strategies to integrate and emerge technology into teaching:
  1. Administer STaR Chart and have teachers complete a competency survey on technology.
  2. Have teachers and administrators recommend different types of technology training they feel that they need and like to participate in.
  3. Evaluate the results from the competency survey and teachers suggestions to determine the needs of the faculty and base it off of grade levels and subjects.
  4. Implement the appropriate staff development classes. 
The major steps to accomplish Goal 4: Provide a technology specialist on every campus to help teachers
and students with different technology needs:
  1. Every campus is to hire a technology specialist who knows the best techniques and methods to integrate technology into the classroom.
  2. Provide the necessary funding to hire a technology specialist for each campus.
  3. The technology specialist will provide different professional development for teachers each month and to help individual teachers when needed.
  4. To work with students each week in the computer lab to build essential skills to succeed in the real world.
The major steps to accomplish Goal 5: Provide funding for a high-performance infrastructures:
  1. Determine the total allotment given for the Technology Budget.
  2. Determine the Budget for purchasing technology and maintaining a high-performance infrastructure.
  3. Determine how to get technology if there is not enough money in the budget.

The major steps to accomplish Goal 6: Utilize grant writing teams at the district level to secure additional

funding to implement and maintain technology:
  1. To assemble an efficient and knowledgeable grant writing team.
  2. Research different grants available for schools and KATY ISD.
  3. Apply for different grants to obtain additional funds to purchase and support technology through the district.
Develop assessment instruments to test the objectives for the technology plan. Describe the
desired instrument/s under each objective.
GOAL 1: Engage students by integrating technology into all aspects of the curriculum and learning  
environments (classrooms, libraries, homes and communities).

  • Objective 1.1: Provide necessary technology for teachers to implement into daily instruction of curriculum.
    • Teachers lesson plans and walk through observations will illustrate 85% of teachers incorporating technology to teach a lesson and assess students performance once a week.
  • Objective 1.2 Schools will provide students with the necessary technology resources to achieve in school.
    • Students can utilize different resources on their school computers provided by Katy ISD. If students do not have access to a computer at home their are different options. At the high school level every library on campus is opened thirty five minutes before and after school. At the junior high and elementary levels students can arrange a time with their teacher to use the computer. There is also a program that works with students at-risk. Students come once a week to work on the computer program iStation. This is measurable by teacher observations and students grades.
GOAL 2: Implement a variety of different software and technology tools such as: audio software, video
software, graphic software, and web design.
  • Objective 2.1: Implement technology tools (audio software, video software, graphic software, and web design) into lessons and student projects.
    • 85% of teachers will incorporate one technology tool (audio software, video software, graphic software, and web design) it integrate into the classroom for a lesson or project once every six weeks. This can be assessed by looking at teachers' lesson plans and walk through observations.
  • Objective 2.2: Teachers will receive the skills and knowledge to integrate audio software, video software, graphic software, and web design into the classroom.
    • Teachers will attend a professional development class 3 times every school year and utilize online tools provided by KATY ISD. The skills learned will be measured by administering the STaR Chart and having teachers complete a survey on their knowledge learned. This can also be measured by looking at lesson plans and walk through observations.
GOAL 3: Provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and classroom strategies to integrate and
emerge technology into teaching.
  • Objective 3.1: Provide ongoing professional development opportunities and follow-through support for all Katy ISD.
    •  Katy ISD will provide ongoing support to teachers. They will ccontinue academic achievement of digital learners by improving teacher capacity through technology applications-focused workshops led by Instructional Coaches. This is measured by looking at district training and on-campus training opportunities offered by Instructional Coaches, and Eduphoria professional learning records. 
GOAL 4: Provide a technology specialist on every campus to help teachers and students with  
different technology needs.
  • Objective 4.1: Katy ISD will hire or provide more training to instructional coaches to help teachers with technology needs.
    • 100% of all campuses with have at least one personnel who is an expert in integrating technology into the classroom. This can be measured by school records and the person's background information. Documentation of the specialist helping teachers will be recorded in the Eduphoria professional learning records.

GOAL 5: Provide funding for a high-performance infrastructure.
  • Objective 5.1: To utilize budget to provide approiate technology equipment and tools to teachers and students.
    • Katy ISd will look at the budget allowed, research of tools, documentation, lesson plans, and observations.
GOAL 6: Utilize grant writing teams at the district level to secure additional funding to implement and
maintain technology.
  • Objective 6.1: Apply for grants to recieve additional funds to offset the cost of implementing and maintiaing technology.
    • The Grant writing team will be assed by the Grant proposals submitted and number of grants received.

ISTE. (2011). The National Educational Technology Standards (NETS-T). Retrieved March 5, 2012, from:

Texas Education Agency, (2006). Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020: A Report to the 80th   Legislature from the Texas Education Agency. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from:

Microsoft (2012). Developing an accessible technology plan. Accessibility: 
      technology for everyone. Retrieved (2012, March 5) from 


  1. I really like goal 1 within the technology section of your post. Embracing technology and technology access for students, parents, teachers, staff and community members is essential for creating an innovative environment of tech savvy learners (Furlong & Davies, 2012). How does your district integrate technology for the home user and the community?

    Furlong, J., & Davies, C. (2012). Young people, new technologies and learning at home: taking context seriously. Oxford Review Of Education, 38(1), 45-62. doi:10.1080/03054985.2011.577944

    1. On the website Katy ISD has reosucres students can use at home or in the public libraries. Parents can now access there child's grades online. Teachers are encouraged to give students homework assignments online. If students do not have acess to a computer accomedations are made.

  2. I like the fact that your goals for your district are very specific. According to Dick & Carey, the difference between a goal and objective are that objectives are “much more specific, and describe a context within the learning situation” (Dick & Carey, 1996). It really looks like you have a good understanding of goals vs. objectives. Although, I noticed some of your goals were set at 100%. Do you feel this is really an achievable goal for your district?

    Dick, W. and Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction, 4th ed. New York: Harper Collins Publishing.

    1. The goals that are set to 100% are very achievable. For example, provide a technology specialist for every campus. They are just basic gaols that every campus needs to have. The more complicated goals are not set to 100%.

  3. Your management goal to provide all teachers with the knowledge skills and classroom strategies I think is such an important one. Teachers cannot be expected to use new technology and find different ways of teaching if they have not been shown the way. Sometimes it is not a lack of want to from teachers but a lack of apprehension and a lack of know how. I feel that if all teachers are taught simple technology strategies to use in the room, they will get comfortable with those and expand their ideas about technology and look for even better ways to use them in the classroom. Great Goals!

  4. I like your goal #4: Provide a technology specialist on every campus to help teachers and students with different technology needs. And "100% of all campuses will have at least one personnel who is an expert in integrating technology into the classroom." Just curious, would this be a separate position or would this person be a teacher who would have additional responsibilities on the campus?
    Several of us (teachers) just discussed this with our superintendent today. He only wants to budget for 2 people (one for secondary campuses and one for elementary campuses). I definitely think we would need a person on each campus for this position. We are a large district with multiple campuses at both levels and not sure how this personnel would actually be able to assist teachers - they would have to travel from campus to campus so much!


    1. Honestly it depends on the campus and facullty. I beleive it should be a sperate poistion. This would be ideal becasue they could focus on this position instead of this being a second job.
